Tuesday, July 3, 2007

BJJ yesterday and took today off.

Monday night I went ot my BJJ class to find that they are changing the school's scedule again. This is the 3rd schedule in 6 months. I don't think it will be that bad. I'm not really interested in doing Muay Thai , I'd much rather focus on being better at BJJ but the new schedule really supports it and it's quality instruction so I'll give it a shot.

I was supposed to go running this morning, just a 3 miler but my right foot/ankle is kinda sore so I decided to lay off. I'll run tomorrow morning and Thursday.

Tomorrow I've got a 5 miler planned.

I think that I'm going to BJJ class again tonight. I'm very close to getting my 3rd stripe so I'm anxious to get it.

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